huh.this morning everything berjalan lancar.
u know what.ari ni aku bgn awl...seawal pagi n tk tido balik sperti selalu.huh.sedikit kagum disitu dgn drisendiri.masih kagum sehingga sekarang.weehuu!!!
when i wake up from my sleeping beauty...i was thinking. ???
what should i tell to the company.tell what???
huh.i cant go to the interview.
i was like.......err.ape!!! ape!!!!
then,i was the buttn on my phone.keep doing but no solution. last...terpakse call je.bajet cool that time.
time call tu boleh lg sibok2 nk tye...ari ni brape org yg akn dtg inter?
she said 10 olang (dilect cina)
Hasiff Hazrin 1Y 8M
6 years ago
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